Retail Industries
Get a deeper understanding of your processes across sale, delivery, and refunds. Delight your customers with a brilliant customer experience.

Unparalleled conversational insights for Retail Care Teams

Off-the-shelf software is great when you are starting out, but once you go beyond twenty agents, it’s time to introduce real efficiency and increase insights. Here is what we deliver:
React to All Issues in Real-time
A drop in standards is never good. EdgeTier finds hidden patterns in customer support interactions to pinpoint your customer issues in real-time.
Automated Agent Quality Reviews
Wasting a lot of time on agent quality assurance? EdgeTier’s AI analyses 100% of agent interactions to tell you about the areas in need of most improvement.
Reveal Problems Across the Buyer Journey
Still relying on manual reviews to understand customer issues? EdgeTier’s AI tells you exactly what is frustrating your customers with zero-effort insight.
Fully Integrated
Are your agents spending time investigating customers, researching orders, and switching windows? You can remove this wasted effort with EdgeTier integrations.

EdgeTier fully integrates with billing and delivery systems to identify and validate customers, ensuring that advisors have up-to-date information and accurate suggested responses when working with queries.
Intelligent Auto Responses
With integrated systems and full visibility of the customer journey, auto responses to customers can move from one-size-fits-all to accurate, comprehensive, and informative responses to customers.

Use intelligent auto responses to close queries straight away, deliver up-to-date tracking information, deflect to self-service portals, and ultimately, save advisor time.
Multiple Conversation Tracks
The complexity of inbound contacts often requires co-ordination of communication between customers, advisors, and external third-parties like delivery partners, suppliers, or technical support.

EdgeTier can track multiple conversations as part of a single query, routing to the best agent, informing customers when progress is made, and tying everything together for clear contact centre metrics.

Where EdgeTier works in Retail

Where we’ve seen EdgeTier’s agent assistant and AI technology excel in retail contact centres
Emotion Detection

Detect customer emotions in real-time. Understand what frustrates your customers, what delights them.

Seamless Integrations

EdgeTier customer service technology is designed to be rapidly integrated with any system. Out-of-the-box integrations with major CRMs and contact centre software are available, and custom integrations to any system imaginable can be built.

Agent Reviews

Greater agent consistency means better customer experience. EdgeTier’s AI scans all interactions to highlight areas for improvement and areas where agents are shining.

Feedback Loop

Keep CSAT scores high with a reliable feedback loop to management with automatic alerts and reports.

Multilingual Solution

EdgeTier’s AI continuously monitors every customer contact in the background so that it can tell you about the trends you need to know about in any language.

Live Detection of All Issues

Rapid alerts immediately notify you when things aren’t right. Whether it’s drivers having trouble completing orders, fare disputes, no shows, account suspensions, quality issues with online products or a hidden drop in standards you’ll know about it.


Getting the product to the customer is half the battle. Arm your advisors with the tools needed to ensure efficient and effective after-care and technical support when customers need it.

Payment Issues

Reduce errors and improve handling times by bringing payment history, issues, and amounts to agents before communication even starts.

Order Status

The journey from purchase to satisfied customer can be fraught with pitfalls, don’t let customer service be one. With EdgeTier, every advisor has best practice responses and up-to-date information at their fingertips.


Return procedures vary based on reasons, warrantee terms, and customer types. Stop agents from searching for the rules, and let AI do the research instantly.

Tracking Enquiries

Packages can get lost, make sure your customers don’t. Integration with delivery partners ensures that agents always have up-to-date proposed responses and information.


Improve conversion and engage more customers by suggesting real-time personalised up-sell and cross-sell to agents as they speak with customers.

Order Status

The journey from purchase to satisfied customer can be fraught with pitfalls, don’t let customer service be one. With EdgeTier, every advisor has best practice responses and up-to-date information at their fingertips.


Better Responses

Assistant knows which responses work best in every context. Respond completely automatically to customers or prompt agents with the ideal response that they can edit and personalise.
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EdgeTier creates better agent responses
Revolutionary Retail Contact
Reduce average handling times, improve customer experience scores, and improve sales performance in your retail customer care centre. Talk to EdgeTier.
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Why EdgeTier?

Why should you should make your next customer experience journey with us!
Clear and rapid return on investment
Whether you are focused on curbing costs, boosting CSAT, or increasing revenue, EdgeTier offers clear and demonstrable ROI. We are happy to work with you on your investment model.
Simple Deployments
EdgeTier customer service technology is designed to be rapidly integrated with any system. Out-of-the-box integrations with major CRMs and contact centre software are available, and custom integrations to any system imaginable can be built.
Data that delights
Give your organisation the competitive edge with the world’s most data-accessible contact centre technology. Answers to any customer service question imaginable is at your fingertips.
Low cost trials
We know you will love our technology so we are happy to run low-cost trials that prove the ROI before making a long term commitment.
Case Study: Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
Driving a cultural shift by allowing customer support to be at the heart of datadriven decision making.
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