Blog Search Results

On this page, we share news from EdgeTier products, our thoughts on customer service best practices, and we try to distil the world of customer service automation and AI to easily digestible and useful posts for our customers and readers.
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EdgeTier now integrates with Zendesk Eventbridge

We’re happy to announce that EdgeTier has built an integration to work with the data streaming platform Amazon Eventbridge with […]

Why Contact Centres Must No Longer Gamble On Missing Customer Issues

Foreword Since launching to the market in early 2021, EdgeTier’s intelligent monitoring and alerting software has established itself as the […]

Customer Sentiment Analysis for contact centres

Sentiment analysis allows the discovery of satisfaction or frustration amongst your customer messages and survey responses. In this post, we learn about how sentiment analysis works, and where best to apply sentiment analysis to your contact centre.

Where and Why to apply AI in your contact centre

The world of Artificial Intelligence is broad and complex, and definitely difficult to penetrate for the uninitiated. The most commonly […]

AI Powered Quality Assurance (QA) and Agent Reviews

The Quality Assurance Process To keep track of, and improve, customer experience at the contact centre, the management of contact […]

Five Agent Assist applications for contact centres

In this article, we're looking at agent assist approaches for customer care centres. Agent assist has become increasingly popular as […]

Using AI to Label Contact Centre Contacts and Surveys

Text classification techniques can be used by contact centres to enhance reporting, improve auto responses, and reduce agent handling times. In this post we look at how text classification works and what the best use of text classification techniques is in the customer contact centre.

Contact Deflection, Chatbots, and Customer Assistance

Customer contact deflection with chatbots; it's the quintessential example of AI for a contact centre. The instant a customer first […]

Analyse Customer Sentiment on Zendesk Ticket Comments

Customer sentiment analysis involves discovering customer attitudes towards products and brands. We are going to perform sentiment analysis on comments from tickets in Zendesk using Python, Zenpy, and TextBlob.

React to Issues Faster With Contact Centre AI

Problem If you are running a customer service centre, do any of the below apply to you? 1. You rely […]
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