EdgeTier Version 5.13: Limitless Reporting, Shortcuts, Notes & More

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In line with EdgeTier’s key themes of increasing team productivity while delighting with data, this release delivers major new functionality into the platform. Limitless Reporting provides ultimate flexibility in analysing how and why customers contact, as well as allowing you to deeply understanding the performance of your customer service team. The new Notes functionality allows team members to communicate over long-running tickets more effectively, while the introduction of keyboard shortcuts places the ability to handle queries at lightning speed at your team’s fingertips. Coloured chats further improves the quality of chat interactions by reducing the possibility of mixing up different chats. Read on for more details. 

Limitless Reporting

New reporting functionality has been added that allow a huge range of reports to be viewed, edited, and created. This is an extremely powerful feature that will allow you to analyse almost all data available in the database. With this new functionality, building reports on any combination of interactions, skills, languages, handling times or any other metrics is possible, to answer questions such as:

  • What are the handling times per agent over the last month / week / year?
  • What brands are generating the most chat sessions with agents?
  • Which call types have the best NPS over time?
  • Can I compare the average chat duration based on the device that the customer is using?
  • Are chats from the UK getting a better NPS than chats from the USA?
  • Is my real-time translation system having an impact on overall wait times?

Reports can be shared amongst all Administrators and Team Leads by being made "public", or users can create their own private reports. Reports are also grouped into categories that can be created and edited to keep everything nicely organised.

Reports Overview 1024x655 1 - EdgeTier AI
Reports overview screen
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Report edit screen

Arthur will arrive with some default reports out of the box. Feel free to edit or delete these as you see fit. The reports are currently limited to producing tables, but we will be adding charts to this too. Lots more metrics and items to report on will also be added over time.


In many situations, it is useful for users to leave notes on a call, chat, or email. This may be to help agents in future handle a query better when the customer replies or for reference for anyone reviewing a case. In EdgeTier, all users can now leave notes in Arthur from the chat, email, and search screens. 

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Leaving a note on a chat

These notes will appear as part of a query's history on the search screen or history tab on email and chat.

Chat & Email Keyboard shortcuts

In EdgeTier, agents can now process chats and emails from start to finish without reaching for their mouse and purely through their keyboard. The effective use of keyboard shortcuts leads to significant leaps in productivity, saving time between mouse movements and keyboard/mouse switches.

EdgeTier has added the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts to the chat and email screens. Keyboard shortcuts can dramatically speed up handling times. The enabled set of shortcuts are:

ScreenActionWindowsMac OS
Chat & EmailFocus on chat/email inputctrl+mctrl+m
EmailNo action requiredctrl+shift+entercmd+shift+enter
EmailSwitch option tabsctrl+alt+numbercmd+option+number
EmailSend emailctrl+enter (or ctrl+e)cmd+enter (or cmd+e)
ChatSwitch chatctrl+alt+up and ctrl+alt+downctrl+alt+up and ctrl+alt+down
ChatEnd chatctrl+ecmd+e

Stay tuned for more updates on this. We'll be adding more shortcuts for the next-most-common activities over time along with an inbuilt user guide to encourage uptake by advisors.

Different Colour Chats

As an agent handling customer queries, it can be easy to lose your place as you constantly switch between multiple chats. With this update, each chat has a different colour to more easily differentiate between them.

Green Chat - EdgeTier AI
First chat
Blue Chat - EdgeTier AI
Second chat

Feedback Welcomed

As always with EdgeTier, we welcome feedback and input on any and all features as we add and improve the system. Stay tuned on our blog here and on our email list for the next set of updates and features.

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